Supervision Schedule:

Join Sandy at the Supervision Sessions to ask questions about the teachings and techniques and receive guidance to support your journey towards graduation and beyond.

  • Wednesday 20 October @ 7pm (UK)

  • Tuesday 23 November @ 7pm (UK)

  • Tuesday 14 December @ 7pm (UK)

No LIVE SUPERVISION DAYS scheduled until group meetings permitted.

To access the live broadcast, click this link -  

Open to all Calm Academy Students and Alumni Members.

Missed any of the recent Supervision Session? Click below to catch up…


About the Live Broadcasts

Each month there is a minimum of one live Supervision Session broadcasts with Sandy. The live broadcasts are hosted via the Zoom meeting platform.  At the beginning of every month, the link and password (if required) is posted on this page. Simply sign-in, click on the link at the workshop time, type in the password (if there is one) and you're in. Please note, if it's your first time using Zoom, you may need to download the software to your computer so click the link a few minutes early to allow time. 

* Due to Sandy's travel schedule, some dates/times may vary.