
Mind Calm is based upon our pioneering ‘peace with mind’ philosophy. When meditating with Mind Calm you do NOT have to stop your thoughts, change your emotions or perfect your life before you can enjoy serenity and success.

Mind Calm cultivates positive states of being, including peace, clarity and presence and proves the secret to success is stillness. While also helping you to perform at your best, sleep better, enhance intuition and creativity, and connect with others.  

The Mind Calm meditation method consists of 3 steps and includes engaging ‘present moment awareness’ and occasionally thinking of a series of 10 Mind Calm Thoughts. It works by helping you to change your relationship with your mind while cultivating the habit of being consciously aware of the present moment during daily life.

Different from mindfulness because it is awareness-based (not mind-based), if you want to stop your mind from working overtime, worry less, feel better and get more done with less stress, then Mind Calm is the modern-day meditation technique that you've been looking for!

Home Study Guide:

This training requires you to do all of the following:

1 - Watch the Level 1 Mind Calm training modules.

2 - Mentor Meeting 1: Connect and learn about what’s required to graduate as a Mind Calm Coach.

3 - Watch Level 2 Coach training modules 1-10.

4 - 5 x Co-Coaching Sessions - Practice talks 1-10.

5 - Mentor Meeting 2 : Deliver any two of the first 10 ‘background theory’ module talks. Mentor will decide during the meeting which two talks you deliver. Please revise talks 1-10 and be ready to share any.

6 - Watch Level 2 Coach training modules 11-15.

7 - 5 x Co-Coaching Sessions - Practice talks 11-15.

8 - Answer and submit the Mind Calm Coach exam.

9 - Mentor Meeting 3 : Teach your mentor how to meditate. They will also ask you to teach any two of the Mind Calm Games.

10 - Complete and submit 10 case studies (or 5 if you are upgrading to the Master Coach certification).

NOTES: You can do more co-coaching sessions, if possible.